A critical essay on discovering the unmeasurable qualities and the invisible layers of the city, and a preliminary report on what the making of the…

PERFORMIGRATIONS: Transitions in Progress. Making Space for Place (2015) from roberta buiani on Vimeo. a video produced by FCAD to document and promote the event

Interview with Fang Zhang and Greg Daly Transitions in Progress – Interview with Fang Zang and Greg Daly from roberta buiani on Vimeo.

Interview with Bob Rose Transitions in Progress – Interview with Bob Rose from roberta buiani on Vimeo.

interview with John Croutch Transitions in Progress – interview with John Croutch from roberta buiani on Vimeo.

Transitions in Progress Making Space for Place. Oct. 19 to Oct.23 Reception: October 22, 2015, 6:30 pm Paul H. Cocker Architecture Gallery, 325 Church Street, Ryerson University

The TiP Mobile Lab greet visitors again on September 12 (saturday) from 10:30 am and 1:30 pm – at the corner of Queen and Munro street (1…